[Source: CCTV.com]

http://tlv1.fm/so-much-to-say/2015/02/10/israels-pirate-party-advocates-liquid-democracy/ If you haven’t taken a close look at the Pirate Party platform, you might think they’re just another ridiculous fringe party. They play up the pirate theme: Their logo is a skull wearing an eye patch and party leaders can sometimes be seen wearing bits of pirate flare, like a fake hook for a hand. But although they have a penchant for the whimsical, these Pirates have a serious […]

The group wants to legalize all drugs, provide free education from birth and ensure free fast Internet service to all. By Sefi Krupsky | Feb. 10, 2015 | 9:55 AM | From haaretz.com From his home in Binghamton, three hours northwest of Manhattan, Ohad Shem Tov is navigating the Israeli Pirates party through its second election campaign. The party in its current form started up in 2012, but Shem Tov, […]

[source: NBC news] Jim Maceda, NBC Two rakish young men with ponytails order drinks at a bar. "What'll it be?” asks the barman in Hebrew. He, too, is thin, with shoulder-length gray hair. One of the two men leans forward and says, “Make it two chasers – freedom and democracy – please!' They all laugh heartily. Thus begins a paid political ad for the Pirate Party, one of a range […]

From: WashingtonPost, AP By Associated Press, Published: January 1 JERUSALEM — Shiver me timbers! Israel’s newest political party has more than a platform — it’s got a plank. The Israel Pirate Party is one of 34 lists competing in the country’s Jan. 22 parliamentary election. While only a dozen or so have a realistic chance of getting elected, many Israelis fed up with existential issues like the conflict with the Palestinians and possible […]

[Source: Haaretz] The names of Israel’s political parties range from bizarre to banal, but what’s in a name anyway? By Jeremy Benstein | Dec.16, 2012 | 9:36 AM Consider the names of the various political parties running in the upcoming Israeli elections. Some of them are downright bizarre. This is especially true of many of the smaller parties that have little or no chance of getting in. Take, for example, […]

[Source: Ynet] Roi Mendal / Dec 5, 2012 New liberal party presents Central Elections Committee with Knesset list in full pirate gear Israel's Pirate Party delegates arrived at the Central Elections Committee office on Wednesday, to present it with their Knessetroster. The 2013 elections would be the first race in which the party, modeled after Sweden's "Piratpartiet," will seek House seats. Stockholm's Pirate Party served as inspiration to many political movements […]

"הארגון העולמי לשמירה על קניין רוחני" (WIPO) סרב לקבל את הארגון המייצג של מפלגות הפיראטים בעולם – PPI ודחה את הדיון ל-2013 לבקשתם של נציגי ארה"ב, צרפת ושוויץ [מקור: TorrentFreak] Back in August, we mentioned that Pirate Parties International (PPI) – the international pirate party NGO – was poised to join the World intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) as an observer member. The membership application, which had the apparent backing of the WIPO Secretary General, was deferred until […]